Hello and thank you for stopping by my site.
I fell in love with photography when I was 13 years old. I was very fortunate that my father supported my fascination by giving me a complete darkroom and a 35mm camera with 3 lenses, all for my 14th birthday. He also introduced me to his business friends and I began shooting images for business brochures. I also spent my days shooting for my high school yearbook and newspaper while taking photo one and two classes.
From there I attended Antonelli’s in Philadelphia, however, I consider myself to be mostly self-taught. I studied everything I could find by Ansel Adams who created the Zone System for Black & White photography. The Zone System and Adams writings were more than just eye opening. Learning how to manipulate the scenes dynamic range of light was nothing less than incredible. What I was able learn allowed me to feel like I was, for the first time, a professional photographer and took my work to an entirely new level.
Your Portrait or Head Shot needs to tell the viewer what it is you want to say. Your portrait should speak volumes about who you are and what you are about. It doesn't matter if your a professional model, and executive or a student. Your portrait/headshot needs to tell the story of you. That takes time. Time for me, the photographer, to get to know you and what you are looking for. My job is to learn what about you and what want to see when you see yourself. That is the difference between a serious portrait photographer everyone else.
I do hope I will have an opportunity to show you what I and the art of photography can do for your projects.
Thanks again for stopping by. I hope to hear from you soon.
856-380-0400 - office
Nic@NicNicholsPhoto.com - email